Connect to Rooch
Connect to testnet

Connect testnet

After developers initialize through rooch init, the dev environment is activated by default.

You can view the environment list in the configuration through the command rooch env list:

rooch env list
       Env Alias         |                     RPC URL                      |                  Websocket URL                   |  Active Env
         local           |                     |                       Null                       |
          dev            |        |                       Null                       |     True
          test           |       |                       Null                       |

Activate the test network:

rooch env switch --alias test

Check that you have switched to the correct test network:

rooch env list
       Env Alias         |                     RPC URL                      |                  Websocket URL                   |  Active Env
         local           |                     |                       Null                       |
          dev            |        |                       Null                       |
          test           |       |                       Null                       |     True

Testnet network information

  1. Name: test
  2. ChainID: 2
  3. RPC: (opens in a new tab)

Note: The current testnet is a pioneer network, and the data may be reset before the permanent incentive testnet is launched!

Call RPC via curl

Query the ID information of the current chain and you can see that the returned JSON data is exactly the information of the test network:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"rooch_getChainID","params":[],"id":1}'

Deploy the Example contract

Refer to the document [Obtain Rooch Gas Coin](../get gas coin) to obtain the gas used for publishing contracts.

After receiving the Gas, test the deployment contract on the testnet network:

git clone
cd rooch
rooch move publish -p ./examples/quick_start_counter/ --sender-account default --named-addresses quick_start_counter=default